At Hacienda Business Park in Pleasanton, California, we demonstrated the advantages of building multi-family housing in a large, suburban business park next to a BART station. While directing the Livable Communities Initiative, IEE Executive Director Ed Church commissioned a team of architects, economists and planners to draw up plans for a vital conceptual framework for this development, which led to increased commerce, housing and vitality in the Tri-Valley region.


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“The City of Pleasanton took the work that you led and incorporated the fundamentals into its General Plan revision; thus creating the necessary underpinnings needed to realize the opportunity to create a mixed-use, transit-oriented district. Had it not been for the work you did early on, the work the city did to change policies and zoning to allow these new forms to occur would not have happened.


Today, we are working on over 1,200 units of housing that will all be within a mile of the BART station; nearly half of which are directly adjacent to the station itself. It is truly an exciting time to watch this transformation unfold.”

       – James Paxson, Executive Director, Hacienda Business Park